Hey there, folks! John here. Let me take you on a whirlwind journey that started back in January 2023 and has led me to where I am today, a year later, feeling like a brand-new person!
Back in 2023, I was tipping the scales at a hefty 220 lbs, my cholesterol levels were through the roof, and I was on medications and still having symptoms – the strongest statin, high blood pressure meds, you name it. My energy? Well, let's say it was in short supply, and even the smallest tasks left me huffing and puffing like a steam engine, with my heart racing like it was trying to break free from my chest. Scary stuff, right?
So, I went for an echo stress test, hoping for some clarity on my heart's condition. But all I got was a nonchalant "You're fine for your age" from the doctor. Fine? What does that even mean? Do I have six months left or six years? No clear answers, just a pat on the back and a prescription refill. What really got me was when both my primary and cardiology doctors told me, “These tests don’t support stents or open-heart surgery yet.” Yet?! What?! I had to wait to get sicker to feel better?!
Enter Dr. Combs, my daughter and my saving grace. She kept insisting that until proven otherwise, we had to assume my symptoms were coming from my heart. With her guidance, I got a CT Cardiac Calcium Index scan that revealed a calcium score of 550 – yikes! But she also introduced me to the wonders of a whole-food, plant-based diet, promising to reverse my heart disease and reclaim my health. Skeptical? You betcha! But after watching a YouTube video she recommended featuring Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and his groundbreaking research on reversing cardiac disease, I was all in.
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Fast-forward to January 2023, when I dove headfirst into the program. And let me tell you, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Sure, there were bumps along the way, but I stuck with it. And boy, am I glad I did!
By April 2023, I bid farewell to my blood pressure meds, and by December, my BP was a cool 110/70. My cholesterol? My LDL, the bad stuff, was down to a jaw-dropping 32 and my total cholesterol was 96, so I had to wave goodbye to those pesky cholesterol meds, too. And the scale? Let's say it's showing a much friendlier number: 176 pounds. I haven’t been this light since high school!
Sure, it wasn't always easy, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: persistence pays off. So, if you're considering giving it a shot, don't let the bumps in the road deter you. Keep pushing forward, and who knows? You might just surprise yourself!
Disclosure: As an amazon associate, Dr. Combs earns from qualifying purchases. This will not increase the price of the item for you. Add Associate code stupidgoodfor-20. Thank you for your support.
Disclosure: As an amazon associate, Dr. Combs earns from qualifying purchases. This will not increase the price of the item for you. Add Associate code stupidgoodfor-20. Thank you for your support.